HighPlast Romania and Spinny Datalogger for Industry 4.0

The installation of a Spinny S350 Datalogger, equipped with IoT for Industry 4.0, at HIGHPLAST in Romania thanks to our contact KangooPack, has brought the company several advantages as the project manager wanted to tell us.

Before Spinny, pallets were wrapped with a standard 23 micron film with a “core break” machine.

The choice to switch to a Spinny S350 It was dictated by the need to have an efficient machine that would allow save on costs, so we opted for the high-performance system of motorized pre-stretching which, combined with a high quality stretch film, allows for save a lot in terms of consumables. Spinny is also famous for being a machine easy to use and which requires very little maintenance.

Another advantage over the previous situation is represented by the choice of a “TP” model, which thanks to the open table allows us direct access to the centre of the rotating table with a pallet truck, therefore very easy loading of the product.

Of great convenience the touch screen panel with 10 fully customizable programs, in addition the model Datalogger connects directly with the management system allowing us to obtain real-time reports on machine performance. In line with our Industry 4.0 needs.

The Spinny+film combination has allowed us to make great strides in our work and, pleasantly surprised, System 4.0 provides us with reports and control over work that even go beyond expectations.

Contact us for all information